Rechtliche Angaben:
Kuno Floeter e.K.
Register Gericht Mannheim HRA 5099
Volksbank Kur-Rheinpfalz eG
IBAN: DE44 5479 0000 0001 3995 00
UST Ident Nr: DE 201361601
Steuer Nr.: 32115/26924 Finanzamt Heidelberg
EORI (Zoll) Nr. DE67 4760 6535 35986
Phone: 06221-7250927
Mobil: 01733002054
Address: Mombertplatz 66, 69126 Heidelberg, Deutschland
Was ich so tue:
Ich vermiete Wohnungen in meinen eigenen
Häusern. Ab und zu renovieren wir Wohnungen.
Ich handle auch mit gebrauchten Maschinen aus der Chemie/Lebensmittelherstellung/Pharmacie
dazu habe ich in 68526 Ladenburg ein Lager.
Kuno Floeter
an einem guten Tag :-))
Short and sweet, taglines are like punchlines.
Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too. Of course, dragging the text will move the paragraph on the page. One paragraph may be enough to introduce your project. If it gets too long, break up the text into several paragraphs. Long text is perfect for explaining what's unique about your website. For example, you can tell visitors how it all got started or what makes you special today. Plain text is often the simplest way to engage your audience. Imagine your reader as a person in front of you, and tell them something to peak their interest. There's nothing more powerful than a great story!
Am besten bin ich zu erreichen per Mail ! Sie können mich aber auch anrufen, wenns sein muss.
Best to reach by Mail ! you can call me also, if you realy like